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Every three years everyone in Aotearoa New Zealand has a chance to give feedback on the levies that ACC charges.

Levy consultation

After considering all the feedback we present our recommendations to the Minister for ACC. 

The recommendations cover the next three years, to give you certainty on future levies. After considering ACC’s recommendations and the feedback received in the consultation, the Minister will make recommendations to Cabinet on the final levy rates and changes to levy payer classification or levy incentive products. The Government will then make the final decisions.

Read more about the Minister for ACC - Honourable Matt Doocey

ACC services touch the lives of almost everyone. The cover we provide wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for the levies you pay. 

Each time you fill up at the pump, pay your vehicle registration, get paid a salary, or pay an ACC business invoice, you’re paying a levy.

That levy is helping to cover the costs of treatment and rehabilitation for people injured in an accident, from physical or sexual violence, or suffering an occupational disease.

In 2025/26 we need to collect $4.7 billion in levies to fund the support needed for 930,000 claims in the Work, Motor Vehicle, and Earners’ Accounts.

Levies from employers and self-employed people (Work Account) cover the costs of injuries that happen in the workplace. Levies collected from vehicle owners (Motor Vehicle Account) cover the costs of injuries that involve moving vehicles on public roads. Levies from people earning wages or a salary (Earners’ Account) cover injuries that happen to workers outside the workplace. 

Levy consultation only considers proposed changes to the Accounts funded by levies. The consultation doesn’t cover funding of the Non-Earners’ Account or the non-earner component of the Treatment Injury Account. These are funded through general taxation and allocated to ACC by the Government.

For 50 years ACC has tailored the levies it charges to reflect the injury risk of different groups of levy payers. This is different from general taxation where the revenue raised can be used for many purposes and so risk-based or use-based pricing cannot be easily applied.

About ACC

ACC help prevent injuries and get New Zealanders and visitors back to everyday life if they’ve had an accident.

Everyone in New Zealand is covered by ACC’s no-fault scheme if they’re injured in an accident. This includes children, beneficiaries and students. It doesn’t matter if they’re working, unemployed or retired. It also includes visitors to New Zealand.

The cover ACC provide helps pay for the costs of your recovery. This includes payment towards treatment, help at home and work, and help with your income.

There are some limits to the support ACC can provide. These limits are set by Parliament, which makes laws about what ACC can and can’t support. For example, ACC can’t cover things like illness, conditions related to ageing, and emotional issues.

Learn more about ACC